How to stay connected to the GPU server even after your laptop goes to sleep.

Running Jupyter Notebook Server on a Remote Server with tmux

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to run a Jupyter Notebook server on a remote server using Tmux:


  • SSH access: You need SSH access to your remote server.
  • tmux installed: Make sure tmux is installed on the remote server. You can usually install it using your server’s package manager (e.g., sudo apt install tmux for Ubuntu/Debian).


sudo apt install tmux
  1. Connect to the server: Use your preferred SSH client to connect to your remote server.
  2. Start a new tmux session: Run the following command to create a new tmux session named jupyter_session:
tmux new -s jupyter_session
  1. Launch Jupyter notebook: Inside the tmux session, run the following command to start the Jupyter notebook server without opening a browser window:
jupyter notebook --no-browser

jupyter lab --no-browser --ip xx.xx.xx.xx --port 8888
  1. Detach from the session: Press Ctrl+B followed by D to detach from the tmux session. This keeps the session and the Jupyter notebook server running even if you close your SSH connection.

Reconnecting to the session:

  • To reconnect to the running tmux session later, use the following command:
tmux attach -t jupyter_session

This will bring you back to the tmux session where your Jupyter notebook server is running.

Additional notes:

  • You can access the Jupyter notebook interface from your local machine by opening a web browser and navigating to the following URL:

Replace <your_server_ip_address> with the actual IP address of your remote server.

  • You might need to configure a password or token for accessing the Jupyter notebook server depending on your setup.

Using screen:

The steps for using screen are very similar to tmux. Instead of tmux new, use screen -S jupyter_session to create a new session and screen -r jupyter_session to reattach to it.


It’s important to remember that running a Jupyter notebook server on a public server exposes it to the internet. Make sure you have proper security measures in place, such as password protection and firewall rules, to restrict access only to authorized users.

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